HL Deb 08 July 1847 vol 94 c13

Messengers from the Commons brought up several Bills. They were thus occupied about ten minutes, when


rose and said, he wished once more seriously to put it to their Lordships whether the time might not at length arrive when they should come to an end of a nuisance that was becoming most intolerable. They were now about to occupy three quarters of an hour in one of the most useless of all useless ceremonies that could possibly he performed, and that at a time when every minute was of the greatest value. They had a great deal to do that night, and every night until the end of the Session, and yet they were thus occupying their time, at that period of the evening, in that period of the Session. If his noble Friend opposite would grant him a Committee on that point, they might on the next morning present a report, getting rid of this nuisance for the remainder of the Session.


made a few observations in reply, which were not heard in the gallery.


Then I move an Amendment on the Motion (that the Messenger be called in), that the Messenger be not called in.


made a few remarks, to the effect, as was understood, that the matter was already before a Committee, as well as other matters relating to the Standing Orders.


It has nothing to do with the Standing Orders.

The subject then dropped.

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