§ PUBLIC BILLS.—1a. Vexatious Actions Protection against.
§ 2a. Real Property Conveyance.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dover, for the Employment and Reformation of Discharged Prisoners.—By Lord Colchester, from Guardians of the Huntingdon and Grinstead Unions, for the Adoption of a Measure making the Landlords of Cottages where Rents are under £6, liable to the Poor Rates.—From Guardians of the East Grinstead Union, for Repeal of Lunatics Act and Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics 415 Act, so far as respects the Expense of Building and Maintaining a County Lunatic Asylum.—By the Earl of Shaftesbury, and other noble Lords, from several Charitable Institutions, against the Charitable Trusts Bill.—By the Duke of Richmond, from the Bath Church of England Lay Association, for the formation of a Bishopric for the Town of Manchester.—By Lord Campbell, from Members of Newington Free Church Congregation, Edinburgh, praying that a Bill may be passed for compensating Proprietors of Lands for the Purchase of Sites for Churches (Scotland).—By Earl Fitzwilliam, from Doncaster, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By the Earl of Hardwicke, from the Company of Conservators of the Bedford Level, against any Alteration or Repeal of the Corn Laws.—From Ely and Huntingdon, against the proposed Union of St. Asaph and Bangor, but in favour of the Appointment of a Bishop to the See of Manchester.—From the Saint Pancras Mutual Building Association, praying that the Stamp Duties may be reduced, so far as relates to the Operations of certain Societies called "Building and Investment Societies."