HL Deb 21 August 1846 vol 88 c926

PUBLIC BILLS. — 2a. Wreck and Salvage; Naval and Military Departments; Steam Navigation; Lunatic Asylums (Ireland): Income Tax Deduction-Customs Duties (No. 2); New Zealand Loan Act Amendment.

Reported. Commons Inclosure (No. 3); Public Works and Fisheries; Public Works (Ireland) (No. 3); British Possessions; County Works Presentments (Ireland) (No. 2); House of Commons Offices; Spirit Licenses, etc. Duties; Turnpike Roads (Ireland); Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics; Public Works, Fisheries, etc.; Public Works Commissioners (Ireland); Baths and Washhouses (Ireland); Contagious Diseases.

3a. and passed. Exclusive Privilege of Trading Abolition (Ireland).