§ PUBLIC BILLS. — 1a. Public Works (Ireland) (No. 3); British Possessions; County Works Presentments (Ireland) (No. 2); Public Works, Fisheries, &c.; Public Works Commissioners (Ireland).
§ 2a. Fisheries (Ireland).
§ Reported. Naval Medical Supplemental Fund Society.
§ 3a. and passed. Court of Common Pleas; Sugar Duties (No. 3); Militia Pay; Forms (Assessed Taxes); Poor Removal.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Guardians of the Wakefield Union, for Repeal of the Poor Law Act—From Working Men of London, for the Promotion of Sanatory Regulations.—From George Drury, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath, and for the Prevention of the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors.—From Cork, for the Revision of the Burgess List.