§ PUBLIC BILLS. — 1a. Sugar Duties (No. 3); Loan Societies; Copyhold Commission; Fisheries (Ireland); Highway Hates; Naval Medical Supplemental Fund Society; Exclusive Privilege of Trading Abolition (Ireland); Stock in Trade; Turnpike Acts Continuance.
§ 3a. and passed. Burial Service (No. 2); Consolidated Fund.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Stanley, from Dublin, against the Exclusive Privilege of Trading Abolition (Ireland) Bill.—From Leeds and Manchester, for Repeal of the Anatomy Act.—By Lord Redesdale, from the Leicester Poor Law Union, and from other places, against the Poor Removal Bill.—From St. Weonard's, Hereford, for Repeal of Lunatics Act and Lunatic Asylums and Pauper Lunatics Act.—From Eggesford and Chawleigh, for Repeal of the Tithe Commutation Act.