§ Took the Oaths.—The Bishop of Ely.
§ BILLS. Public.—2a. Charitable Trusts.
§ Private. — 2°. Hemel Hempstead Small Tenements; Gildart's (or Sherwen's) Estate; Ellison's Estate.
§ Reported.—Boddam Harbour; Clifton Bridge; Huddersfield Waterworks; Stoke-upon-Trent Market.
§ 3a. and passed—Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company; Edinburgh Life Assurance Company; Middlesex County Rates; Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas; Devonport Gas.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishops of Gloucester, and Cashel, and by Earls of Eldon, Devon, and Fitzwilliam, from Ewell, and several other places, against Increase of Grant to Maynooth College.—From Stromness, and Loth, against Railway Trains running on the Sabbath.—By Bishop of Winchester, Marquess of Lansdowne, Earl of Devon, and Lords Ashburton, and Brougham, from several Charitable Institutions of the City of London, and others, against the Charitable Trusts Bill, and praying for Exemption.—From Frome Selwood, in favour of Sanatory Regulations.—From Exeter, and from Commissioners of the Loughborough Court of Requests, against the Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act.—From Bromsgrove and several other places, for Repeal of the 57th Clause of Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act, and in favour of the Establishment 754 of Local Courts.—By Earl Fitzwilliam, from Baptists of Welshpool, and from several other places, for the Suppression of Intemperance.—By Marquess of Lansdowne, from Lancaster, Chester, and Launceston, in favour of Increase of Grant to Maynooth College.—From Sutherland, and Caithness, for Improving the Condition of School masters (Scotland).—From Freemen of Nottingham, against the Nottingham Inclosure Bill.—From General Assembly of Newfoundland, for Alteration of Post Office Regulations in that Colony.