§ Earl Fitzwilliampresented a petition from a congregation of Protestant Dissenters, against the grant to Maynooth. The noble Earl said, that the petition related to what was called, or rather miscalled, to a certain degree, the endowment of the College of Maynooth. It prayed against the proposed endowment, upon what might be considered the dissenting ground of objection—the ground that the State should not interfere in favour, not merely of the Roman Catholic Establishment, but of any Establishment whatever. The petition might be regarded as praying against the maintenance of the Anglican Establishment as well as against Maynooth. He entirely dissented from the whole scope and view of the petition, both with respect to its being hostile to 594 what was proposed to be done in favour of the College of Maynooth, and also with respect to the spirit which animated the petitioners against Ecclesiastical Establishments. The endowment of Maynooth he regarded as but a small instalment of what was due to the people of Ireland. He had great satisfaction in contemplating further measures in relation to academical establishments in Ireland. If Ministers intended to stop with their present measures, they were persons who did not comprehend the results of the measures which they were now proposing; but as they were persons, in his opinion, competent to take an adequate view of the results of those measures, he could not refrain from giving them the credit for intending a great deal more; and he was glad to be able to give them credit for such intentions. With these observations, he would lay the Petition upon the Table.
§ House adjourned.