§ MINUTES. BILLS. Public.—2a. Privy Council Appellate jurisdiction Act Amendment.
§ Reported.—Auction Duties Repeal; Customs (Import Duties); Colonial Passengers; Sugar (Excise Duties).
§ Private.—1a. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Port.
§ 2a. Devoport Gas; Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas.
§ Reported.—Shelsley Road.
§ 3a. and passed:—Bradford Gas; London Orphan Asylum; Amicable Society Assurance; Ellesmere, Birmingham, and Liverpool Canals Union.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Commissioners of Supply of Renfrew, in favour of the Infeftments (Scotland) and Heritable Securities (Scotland) Bill.—From Malton, and several other places, for the Suppression of Intemperance.—From Beverley and Bagpath, for the better Regulation of Beer Houses.—From Loyal Protestant Association of Pudsey, and Stanningley, for Inquiry into the Course of Instruction adopted at Maynooth College.—By Bishops of Chichester, and Gloucester, Earls Brownlow, Fitzwilliam, and Winchilsea, Lords Monteagle, Brougham, and Farnham, and by Viscount Combermere, from Clergy and others of Bristol and several other places, against Increase of Grant to Maynooth College.—From Inhabitants of Calloes, and 2 other places, for better Observance of the Sabbath.—From Tradesmen of Ledbury, for Repeal of the 57th Clause of the Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act.—By Lords Cottenham, and Brougham, from Wigan, Bristol, and Bolton, against the Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act.—By Lord Cottenham, from Llanover and 2 other places in Wales, for the Establishment of 145 Local Courts.—By Lord Campbell, from Brechin, and 2 other places, for Improving the Condition of School, masters (Scotland).—From Proprietors of Basingstoke Canal Navigation, for Regulation of Railway Charges.—By Lord Farnham, from Protestant Inhabitants of Kildarton, and 6 other places, for Encouragement to Schools in connexion with Church Education Society (Ireland).—By Lord Brougham, from Planters and others of Parish of Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica, against any Alteration of Duties on Sugar and Coffee.—From Leicester, and several other places, for Alteration of Law of Debtor and Creditor.—From P. W. Crowther, Esq., of Heavitree, in favour of Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act, and suggesting Amendments therein.—From Broseley, and several other parishes, against the Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act.—From Merchants and others of Newark, in favour of Local Courts.—From Landowners of Winchester, and several other places, for Repeal of Malt Tax.—By Duke of Richmond, from Landowners and others of East Brent, and several other places, for Protection to Agriculture.—From Llan Gristiolus, and Ceorig-beinwen, against the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor.