§ BILLS. Public.—1a. Pauper Lunatics (Ireland) Amendment.
§ 2a. Jewish Disabilities Removal.
§ 3a. and passed:—Constables (Scotland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Bishop of London, and Lord Brougham, from Scarborough, and a great number of other places, for the Suppression of Intemperance.—By Bishop of London, from Uxbridge, for the Suppression of Seduction and Prostitution.—From Attorneys of Courts at Westminster, practising at Oswestry, for the Substitution of Declarations in lieu of Oaths.—From Bath, against the Insolvent Debtors Amendment Act.—By Lord Monteagle, from parties professing the Jewish Religion, for the Removal of all Civil Disabilities.—By Duke of Wellington, from Land Proprietors of Basingstoke, for Protection to Agriculture.