Lord Campbellpresented a petition on the subject of the commutation of tithes, and said that a very doubtful question existed whether, in cases where tithes had not been paid for many years, they were now really payable or not. Several actions had been brought to decide the point; but they had all proved decidedly abortive, and the Judges were, he believed, equally divided respecting it. It was, therefore, he thought, 1277 absolutely necessary that there should be some further legislation on the subject, and the sooner it took place the better. Were it not for this point, he believed tithes would be commuted all over England before the present time.
The Lord Chancellorsaid, the subject was a very important one; and the conflicting opinions respecting it, only showed how lawyers would sometimes differ. He concurred with his noble and learned Friend, that the Act required some Amendments; and, if the matter were intrusted to his hands during the recess, he would take care to have steps taken respecting it, before the next Session of Parliament.