HL Deb 25 July 1845 vol 82 c1085
On the Motion of Lord Wharncliffe

, the Pauper Lunatics and Lunatic Asylums Bill read 2ª.

On the Motion that it be committed to a Committee of the whole House,

Lord Beaumont

rose to put questions to the noble Lord (Lord Wharncliffe) preparatory to a Motion that the Bill be referred to a Select Committee.

Lord Wharncliffe

said, that he should be prepared to answer any questions after the House was in Committee on the Bill.

Lord Beaumont

persevered in putting his questions, founded on certain clauses in the Bill, under the expectation that the House would not resolve itself into the Committee until after the measure had been examined and amended by a Select Committee. He moved, therefore, that the Bill be referred to a Select Committee for the purpose.

After a remark from Lord Wharncliffe


The House divided on Question, that the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Question: — Contents 27; Non-contents 11: Majority 16.

Resolved in the Affirmative.

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