§ BILLS. Public.—1a. Turnpike Roads (Scotland) Act Amendment.
§ 2a. Church Building Acts Amendment; Customs (Import Duties); Sugar (Excise Duties); Auction Duties Repeal; Colonial Passengers.
§ Private.—Reported.—Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas; Devonport Gas.
§ 3a. and passed:—Wallasey Improvement.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Landowners and Occupiers of Dorchester for Protection to Agriculture.—By Bishops of London, and Cashel, Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Devon, Marquess of Breadalbane, and by Lords Kenyon, Farnham, and Belhaven, from Clergy and others of St. George's in the East, and numerous other places, against Increase of Grant to Maynooth—By the Bishops of Cashel, and Bangor, and Earl Powis, from Clergy and others of St. Pancras, and several other places, against Union of St. Asaph and Bangor.—From Holyhead, and other places, against the Union of St. Asaph and Bangor, but in favour 1434 of the Appointment of a Bishop to the See of Manchester.—From Hallen, and several other places, for the Suppression of Intemperance, especially on the Sabbath.—By Lord Stanley, from Bedford, and Devonport, in favour of Grant to Maynooth College.—From Kippen, against the running of Railway Trains on the Sabbath.—By Lord Brougham, from Perth, to prevent Railway Companies Encroaching on the Pleasure Ground of the People, called the South Inch—From Solicitors and Attorneys of London and Westminster, for Inquiry into operation of the late Bankrupt and Insolvent Acts.—From Birmingham, for Repeal of 57th Clause of Insolvent Debtors Act, and for Establishment of Local Courts to decide all Claims under 20l.—By Lord Campbell, from Boston, for Repeal of Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment Act.—From Presbyteries of Cairston, and Burravoe, for Improving the Condition of Schoolmasters (Scotland).