§ MINUTES.] BILLS. public.—1a. Privy Council Appellate Jurisdiction Act Amendment; Colonial Passengers; Heritable Securities (Scotland); Infeftment (Scotland).
§ Private—1a. Paisley Gas; Foulmire Inclosure; Clerkenwell Improvement.
§ 2a. Shelsley Road; London Orphan Asylum.
§ Reported.—Wallasey Improvement.
§ 3a. and passsed: — Kingston-upon-Hull Docks; Fisher Land (Greenwich) Improvement.
§ PETITIONS PAESENTED. From Mayor and others of Rye, for the Adoption of Measures for prohibiting Owners of 1359 Railways from continuing or becoming Proprietors of Harbours.—By the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Exeter, Duke of Cleveland, Earls of Falmouth, Winchilsea, and Marquess of Breadalbane, from Dunfermline, and a great number of other places, against Increase of Grant to Maynooth College.—By Earl of Powis, from Baglan, and several other places, against Union of Saint Asaph and Bangor, but in favour of the Appointment of a Bishop to the See of Manchester.—By Bishop of Winchester, from Clergy and others, of Llangynien, and numerous other places, against the Union of St. Asaph and Bangor.—From Clergy and others, of Parishes of Weston, and several other places, for the better Regulation of Beer Houses.—From St. George the Martyr, Southwark, for the Suppression of Sunday Trading.—By Duke of Cleveland, and Lord Brougham, from Bangor, and 2 other places, in favour of Increase of Grant to Maynooth.—By Duke of Richmond and Lord Brougham, from Tradesmen of Tavistock, and several other places, for Repeal of 57th Clause, and from Commissioners of Court of Requests of Southwark, and other places, and from Bristol, for Alteration of Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment.—From Society for Mutual Protection of Trade, for Alteration of Law relating to Insolvents, in order to prevent their making unjust Returns.—From Long Bennington, and Foston, for the Suppression of Intemperance, especially on the Sabbath.—By Earl of Enniskillen, from Killesher, and numerous other places, for Encourgement of Schools in connexion with Church Education Society (Ireland).—From Presbytery of Dunbar, for Improving the Condition of Schoolmasters (Scotland).—From Clergy of the Parishes of Weston, and several other places, against the running of Railway Trains on the Sabbath.