§ BILLS. Private. — 1a. Bishop of London's Estate; North Wales Mineral Railway; Newport (Monmouth) Dock; Bowyer's Estate.
§ 2a. Rochdale Improvement.
§ Reported. — Hitchin's (or Peach's) Estate; London and South Western Railway.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Bishops of Lincoln, Lichfield, Sahsbury, and London, Marquess of Downshire, and Earls Powis, and Galloway, from Ipswich, and a great number of other places, against the Dissenters Chapels Bill.—By Earl of Rosebery, from several places in Scotland, for Legalizing Marriages solemnized by Presbyterian and Dissenting Ministers in Ireland. — From Synod of Moray, and other places, against the Parishes (Scotland) Bill.—From Perth, and 3 other places, for the Abolition of Religious Tests in Scotch Universities.—By Earl of Bandon, from Castle Townsend, and 2 other places for the Extension of Scriptural Education in Ireland.—By Lord Ashburton, from Society of Painters in Water Colours, for Legalizing the proceedings of Art Unions.—By Marquess of Exeter, and Lord Beaumont, from Parishes of Stowe, and several other places, for Protection to Agriculture.—By Duke of Sutherland, from Presbytery of Caithness, for Improving the Condition of Scotch Schoolmasters. — From County of Denbigh, against the Union of St. Asaph and Bangor.