§ BILLS. Public.—1a. Marriages (Ireland).
§ 2a. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws Amendment; Insolvent Debtors Act Amendment.
§ 3a. and passed:—Education of the Poor, etc.
§ Private.—Reported.—Salisbury Branch Railway; Nottingham (West Croft Canal) Improvement; Ashton, Staley-bridge, and Liverpool Junction Railway; Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne, and Manchester Railway (Ashton-under-Lyne and Staleybridge Branch); Eastern Union Railway; Southampton Improvement; Slamannan Railway; Brighton and Chichester Railway.
§ 3a. and passed:—Manchester Improvement; West Croft Inclosure (Nottingham); North British Railway.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Lyle Hill, and Aghadoey, for Legalizing Marriages solemnized by Presbyterian and Dissenting Ministers in Ireland.—By Duke of Cleveland, from Isle of Axholme, and Durham, for Protection to Agriculture.—From Killmacomague, and Clonakilty, for the Extension of Scriptural Education in Ireland.—From Maidstone, and 2 other places, against the Union of St. Asaph and Bangor. — From Horsley-upon-Tyne, and 2 other places, against the Dissenters Chapels Bill—From County of Renfrew, for placing the Perth Penitentiary upon the same footing as English Penitentiaries; and also on the subject of Assessment for the maintenance of Prisons (Scotland). — From Dundee, for Improving the condition of Scotch Schoolmasters.—From Guardians of Kells Union, against the Poor Laws (Ireland).—From Guardians of the Belfast Union, for power to Apprentice Children of a certain age to various Trades.