§ BILLS. Public—1a. Sudbury Disfranchisement.
§ 2a. Turnpike Acts Continuance; Three-and-a-Half per Cents. Exemption; Vagrants Removal.
§ Reported.—County Rates, etc.; Militia Ballots Suspension; Stock in Trade; Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland); Turnpike Acts Continuance (Ireland).
§ Private.—1a. Great Southern and Western Railway (Ireland).
§ 2a. Swansea Improvement; Kingston-upon-Hull Docks; Mariners' and General Life Assurance.
§ Reported. — Birkenhead Docks; Coventry Improvement and Cemetery; Southampton Improvement.
§ 3a. and passed:—Wells Harbour and Quay; Devaynes's Estate; Ladbroke's Estate.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Bishop of London, and Lord Teynham, from Bristol, and an immense number of other places, against, and from Birmingham, and several other places, in favour of the Dissenters Chapels Bill.—From Sussex, for Protection to Agriculture.—From Great Driffield, against any Alteration in the present Corn Laws.—From Roman Catholics of Nuneaton, and Chilvers Coton, in favour of the Roman Catholic Penal Acts Repeal Bill.—From Presbyterian Schoolmasters of Aunan, for Inquiry, with a view to their Better Remuneration.—From East Suffolk Agricultural Protective Society, and from Society for the Emancipation of Industry, relating to the Bank of England Charter Bill. — From numerous Engravers, for Legalizing the Proceedings of Art Unions.