HL Deb 13 March 1843 vol 67 c712
The Lord Chancellor

informed the House that having transmitted to Sir Gordon Bremer the resolution conveying their Lordships' thanks to the officers and men who had served in the Chinese expedition, he had received from Sir Gordon Bremer the following reply:— The Priory, Compton, Plymouth, March 9, 1843. My Lord—I am honoured by your Lordship's letter of the 25th of February, transmitting to me the resolution of the House of Lords of the 14th ult., respecting the late naval and military operations on the coast of China. I request that your Lordship will be pleased to convey to the House of Lords the expression of my deepest gratitude and respect for the great and valued honour conferred on me by the testimony of approbation with which their Lordships have marked my humble service. With feelings of the greatest gratification I shall immediately obey the commands of the House of Lords, by transmitting to the officers who served under me the resolutions by which their Lordships confer on them the high and distinguished honour of their approbation. With sentiments of the highest respect, I have the honour to subscribe myself, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient and humble" Servant, J. J. GORDON BREMER "Late Commodore and Commander-in-Chief, of H. M. Ships in China. " The right hon. the Lord High Chancellor.

On the motion of the Duke of Welling ton, Sir Gordon Bremer's reply was ordered to be entered upon the minutes.

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