The Lord Chancellorinformed the House, that he had received a letter from Sir H. Gough in answer to the vote of Thanks passed by that House to him, and the army under him, for their gallant services in China. It was as follows:—
Mereaca, Coorg, 10th May 1843.My Lord,—I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordships' letter of the 25th February, forwarding the resolution of the House of Lords, expressing the sense of the House on my conduct, and, on that of the general, and other officers, non-commissioned 570 officers and privates, as well native as European, of the force under my command in China.I have not failed to communicate to the officers and persons therein referred to, the honourable testimonial of their conduct: and I have no doubt that it will be as highly estimated by them, as the favourable view which the House of Lords has taken of my conduct has impressed upon me.I beg your Lordship will do me the honour to convey to the House of Lords my grateful acknowledgments upon my part, as well as upon that of the force lately under my command, for the high honour they have conferred on us by their approbation.Requesting your Lordship will accept my best thanks for the communication of the approval of the House of Lords,I have the honour to be,My Lord,Your most obedient servant,(signed) "H. GOUGH. General,Letter to be entered on the Journals.