§ The Parliament was this day Opened by Commission, the Lords Commissioners being the Lord high Chancellor; the Archbishop of Canterbury; the Lord President of the Council; Lord Wharncliffe; the Lord Privy Seal; the Duke of Buccleugh; and the Earl of Shaftesbury. The Commons being at the Bar with their Speaker, the Lord Chancellor delivered the Lords Commissioners' Speech to both Houses of Parliament, as follows:—
§ "My Lords and Gentlemen,
§ "We are commanded by Her Majesty to acquaint you, that Her Majesty receives from all Princes and States Assurances of a friendly Dispo- 2 sition towards this Country, and of an earnest Desire to co-operate with Her Majesty in the Maintenance of general Peace.
§ "By the Treaty which Her Majesty has concluded with the United States of America, and by the Adjustment of those Differences which, from their long Continuance, had endangered the Preservation of Peace, Her Majesty trusts that the amicable Relations of the Two Countries have been confirmed.
§ "The increased Exertions which, by the Liberality of Parliament, Her Majesty was enabled to make for the Termination of Hostilities with China, have been eminently successful.
§ "The Skill, Valour, and Discipline of the Naval and Military Forces employed upon this Service 3 have been most conspicuous, and have led to the Conclusion of Peace upon the Terms proposed by Her Majesty.
§ "Her Majesty rejoices in the Prospect that, by the free Access which will be opened to the principal Marts of that populous and extensive Empire, Encouragement will be given to the Commercial Enterprise of Her People.
§ "As soon as the Ratifications of the Treaty shall have been exchanged, it will be laid before you.
§ "In concert with Her Allies, Her Majesty has succeeded in obtaining for the Christian Population of Syria the Establishment of a System of Ad ministration which they were entitled to expect from the Engagements of the Sultan and from the good Faith of this Country.
§ "The Differences for some Time existing between the Turkish and Persian Governments had recently led to Acts of Hostility; but as each of these States has accepted the joint Mediation of Great Britain and Russia, Her Majesty entertains a confident hope that their mutual Relations will be speedily and amicably adjusted.
§ "Her Majesty has concluded with the Emperor of Russia a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, which will be laid before you. Her Majesty regards this Treaty with great Satisfaction, as the Foundation for increased Intercourse between Her Majesty's Subjects and those of the Emperor.
§ "Her Majesty is happy to inform you, that complete Success has at tended the recent Military Operations in Affghanistan.
§ "Her Majesty has the greatest Satisfaction in recording Her high sense of the Ability with which these 4 Operations have been directed, and of the Constancy and Valour which have been manifested by the European and Native Forces.
§ "The Superiority of Her Majesty's Arms has been established by decisive Victories on the Scenes of former Disaster; and the complete Liberation of Her Majesty's Subjects who were held in Captivity, and for whom Her Majesty felt the deepest Interest, has been effected.
§ "We are commanded by Her Majesty to inform you, that it has not been deemed advisable to continue the Occupation by a Military Force of the Countries to the Westward of the Indus.
§ "Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
§ "Her Majesty has directed the Estimates for the ensuing Year to be laid before you.
§ "Such Reductions have been made in the Amount of the Naval and Military Force as have been deemed compatible, under present circumstances, with the efficient Performance of the Public Service throughout the extended Empire of Her Majesty.
§ "My Lords and Gentlemen,
§ "Her Majesty regrets the diminished Receipt from some of the ordinary Sources of Revenue.
§ "Her Majesty fears that it must be in part attributed to the reduced Consumption of many Articles caused by that Depression of the Manufacturing Industry of the Country which has so long prevailed, and which Her Majesty has so deeply lamented.
§ "In considering, however, the pre sent State of the Revenue, Her Majesty is assured that you will bear in 5 Mind that it has been materially affected by the extensive Reductions in the Import Duties which received your Sanction during the last Session of Parliament, and that little Progress has been hitherto made in the Collection of those Taxes which were imposed for the Purpose of supplying the Deficiency from that and other Causes.
§ "Her Majesty feels confident that the future Produce of the Revenue will be sufficient to meet every Exigency of the Public Service.
§ "Her Majesty commands us to ac quaint you, that Her Majesty derived the utmost Gratification from the Loyalty and affectionate Attachment to Her Majesty which were manifested on the occasion of Her Majesty's Visit to Scotland.
§ Her Majesty regrets that in the course of last Year the Public Peace in some of the Manufacturing Districts was seriously disturbed, and the Lives and Property of Her Majesty's Subjects were endangered by tumultuous Assemblages and Acts of open Violence.
§ "The ordinary Law, promptly enforced, was sufficient for the effectual Repression of these Disorders. Her Majesty confidently relies upon its Efficacy, and upon the zealous Support of Her loyal and peaceable Subjects, for the Maintenance of Tranquility.
§ "We are commanded by Her Majesty to acquaint you, that Measures connected with the Improvement of the Law, and with various Questions of Domestic Policy, will be submitted for your Consideration.
§ "Her Majesty confidently relies on your zealous Endeavours to promote the Public Welfare, and fervently 6 prays that the Favour of Divine Providence may direct and prosper your Counsels, and make them conducive to the Happiness and Contentment of Her People.
§ Then the Commons withdrew, and the House adjourned. When resumed, and the Lords Commissioners Speech being reported by the Lord Chancellor,