The Marquess of Londonderrybegged to ask the noble Lord (the Earl of Haddington) at the bead of the Admiralty, whether it were the intention of her Majesty's Government to keep up, or to abandon, the steam communication between Scotland and the north of Ireland, by the harbours of Portpatrick and Donaghadee? If something were not done to maintain the harbour of Portpatrick, the steam communication between that port and Donaghadee must be abandoned. Such had been the ability of the persons who had the management of that communication under the Government, that there had not been the least interruption in the communication during the whole of the late severe winter. Still something must be done. He, therefore, took that opportunity of asking the noble First Lord of the Admiralty, whether it were intended to apply to Parliament for a grant to repair and improve the harbour of Portpatrick?
The Earl of Haddingtoncould not answer the question of the noble Lord at the present moment. If the noble Marquess had given him notice of putting the question, he should have been most happy to have given him every information in his power. He could now only repeat the 318 answer he had given in the last Session, that at present there was no intention on the part of the Government to alter this station. They had received, however, many letters on the subject, but he would not pledge himself or the Government upon that or any other similar point. With respect to the repairs of the harbour, he was not prepared at that moment to give the noble Marquess any answer.