§ MINUTES.) BILLS.Public.—2a Bankruptcy Law Amendment; County Courts (England).
§ Committed.—Lunacy.
§ 3o and passed:—Dean Forest Ecclesiastical Districts; Railways.
§ Private.—Reported.—Liverpool and Manchester Railway; Reading Cemetery.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Tottenham, from Jeffery Harvey and others Imprisoned for Debt, for the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt.—From Holme Cultural, against the Tithes Commutation Bill.—By Lord Beaumont, from the Cassingwold Union, for Alteration of the Poor-law Amendment Act.—From the Sheriff of Lancasshire, to exempt that County from the Operation of the County Courts Bill.—By Lord Hatherton, from Colliers of Pilkington and other places; by the Marquess of Londonderry, Lord Brougham, and Lord Redesdale, from the Outwood Colliery, the Female Workers of the Carron Company Colliery and others, against parts of the Mines and Collieries Bill.—By the Marquess of Lansdowne, from Lessees of Coal Mines in Butterworth, Castleton, and other places, for Compensation.—From the North Wales Provincial, Medical, and Surgical Association; and by Lord Campbell, from the Provincial, Medical, and Surgical Association, against the proposed Medical Reform without further Inquiry.—By the Earl of Glengall, from the Corporation of London, for means to remedy the Smoke nuisance.—By Lord Brougham, from Alford, for the Abolition of Slavery in India.—From Louth Literary and Scientific Institution, to Exempt such Institutions from Taxes,—From the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.—By Lord Wharncliffe, from Leeds, for Inquiry into the Public Distress, and Relief.—From Silk Weavers of Macclesfield, for Protection.