§ BILLS, Public.—1a' Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; Chelsea Hospital; Military Savings Banks; Militia Ballot.
§ 2aNew South Wales; Protection to her Majesty's Person.
§ Committed— Mines and Collieries; Dean Forest Ecclesiastical Districts; Protection to her Majesty's Person.
§ Reported.—Railways; Charitable Pawn Offices (Ireland).
§ 3a and passed:—Right of Voting (Dublin University): British Possessions Abroad: Protection to her Majesty's Person.
§ Private.— Reported.— Wicklow Harbour; Cambuslang and Muirkirk Roads; Liverpool and Manchester Railway,
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Guardians of the Poor, Penkridge Haigh Moor Colliery, from the Parish of Dean, against parts of the Mines and Collieries Bill. —From the inhabitants of Westminster, in Favour of the Bill. From Kilgariffe, Desart, and several other places in Ireland, for the Encouragemant of Schools in connection with the Established Church.