HL Deb 10 August 1842 vol 65 c1214

MINUTES.] BILLS. 2a Boroughs Incorporation; Slave Trade (Portuguese Vessels); Coventry Boundary.

Committed.— Newfoundland.

3a and passed;— East India Bishops; Canada Loan; Lunatic Asylums Ireland); Marriages (Ireland); Ecclesiastical Corporations Leasing.

Received the Royal Assent.— Bonded Corn (No. 2); Militia Pay; Bribery at Elections (No. 2); Prisons; Mines and Collieries; Tobacco Regulations; Municipal Corporations; Double Costs; Designs Copyright; Ordnance Services; Court of Chancery Offices; Slave Trade Suppression; Slavery (East Indies); Drainage (Ireland); Fisheries (Ireland); Dublin Boundaries; Four Courts Marshalsea (Dublin).

Private.Committed.— Jackson's Divorce.

Received the Royal Assent.— Imperial Bank of England; Cauvin's Estate; Hele's Charity (Lowe's) Estate; Street's Divorce; Sewell's Divorce.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Factory Labourers of Todmorden, for limiting the number of Hours of Attendance in Factories.— By Lord Campbell, from Wm. Geary, to be heard by Counsel, as agent for the New found land House of Assembly, against the Newfoundland Bill— From Schoolmasters of Lewis, for better Remuneration.
