HL Deb 25 April 1842 vol 62 cc1051-2

On the Order of the Day, for the House to go into a Committee, on the Queen's Prison Bill,

The Earl of Devon

presented a petition from several prisoners in the Queen's Bench prison, against certain parts of the bill, complaining, that they shall be deprived of the day rules, and other advantages, should the bill pass into a law.

Lord Campbell

considered, that the prisoners at present within the walls ought not to be deprived of the advantages which the present law gave them.

Lord Wharncliffe

was of opinion, that great abuses existed by means of the day rules, and that the bill was calculated to lead to very beneficial results.

Lord Denman

remarked, that no doubt existed but great abuses had prevailed under the system of obtaining the rules, which could only be procured by money, and that in proportion to the debt owing. As regarded the day rules, he thought, that something might be done on that subject with a view of affording relief to the petitioners, and he would suggest, that this subject should undergo further inquiry before anything final was adopted.

House in Committee. — Bill passed through the Committee.

House resumed.—Bill as amended to be printed.

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