§ The Commissioners for proroguing Parliament — namely, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and Lord Wharncliffe, having taken their seats, and
The Speaker, with several Members, having appeared at the bar, the commission for giving the royal assent to several bills was read, and the royal assent was given with the usual formalities.
§ The Lord Chancellorread the speech as follows:—
" My Lords and Gentlemen,We are commanded by her Majesty to acquaint you that it appears advisable to her Majesty to bring to a close the present Session of Parliament.In conformity with the advice of her Parliament, and in pursuance of the declared intentions of her Majesty, her Majesty has taken the re- 1155 quisite measures for the formation of a new Administration, and the arrangements for that purpose have been completed by her Majesty." Gentlemen of the House of Commons,We have it in command from her Majesty to thank you for the supplies which you have granted to her Majesty for those branches of the public service for which complete provision had not been made by the late Parliament." My Lords and Gentlemen,The measures which it will be expedient to adopt for the purpose of equalizing the public income and the annual expenditure, and other important objects connected with the trade and commerce of the country, will necessarily occupy your attention at an early period after the recess.Her Majesty has commanded us to repeat the expression of her deep concern at the distress which has prevailed for a considerable period in some of the principal manufacturing districts, and to assure you that you may rely upon the cordial concurrence of her Majesty in all such measures as shall appear, after mature consideration, best calculated to prevent the recurrence of that distress, and to promote the great object of all her Majesty's wishes—the happiness and contentment of her people.The commission for the prorogation of Parliament was read; after which
§ The Lord Chancellordeclared, it was her Majesty's command that the Parliament should be prorogued to Thursday, the 11th of November next. Parliament accordingly prorogued to the 11th day of November next.
§ Their Lordships separated.