§ Bills. Read a first time:—Law of Felony, Explanation.—Read a second time:—Metropolis Improvements; Ecclesiastical Commissioners Acts Amendment.
§ Petitions presented. By the Bishop of London, from his Diocese, against Sunday Trading.—By the Earl of Winchilsea, from places in Kent, Essex, and Suffolk, against any further Grant to Maynooth; and from the ex officio Guardians and others of Unions in Lincolnshire, against the Continuance of the Poor-law Commissioners for five years, and in favour of Out-door Relief.—By the Duke of Argyle, from various places in Scotland, against Non-Intrusion.—By the Earl of Radnor, from Derby, Bilston, Taunton, and other places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By the Earl of Carlisle, from Morpeth, in favour of the Drainage Bill.—By the Duke of Wellington, from Hastings, in favour of the Jews Declaration Bill; from Bath, against the County Courts Bill.—By the Earl of Falmouth, from Medical Practitioners of Cornwall, against the Union of the three branches of that Profession.—By the Archbishop of Canterbury, from Batheaston, Somersetshire, for the Exclusion of Catholics from Parliament.