HL Deb 02 July 1840 vol 55 cc370-1
Lord Monson

having moved the third reading of the Payment of Wages Bill,

Lord Portman

said, that this bill, which was to be extended to railroads, canals, and public roads, would, in his opinion, be productive of the most serious inconvenience. It would be impossible to carry it into operation on railroads, and it was only applicable to a limited number of cases. It was calculated also to increase the number of beer-shops, which he was sure none of their Lordships would be willing to do. Workmen on railroads would be subjected to much difficulty in procuring provisions, and the public also would suffer much inconvenience. If the noble Lord persisted in pressing the bill, he should feel it to be his duty to move that it be read a third time that day three months.

The Marquess of Salisbury

suggested that the bill should be withdrawn for the present, to allow time for its provisions to be fully considered.

Lord Monson

said, the bill had been before their Lordships since the 5th of May, and had before met with no opposition. He was convinced that the measure was calculated to do much good, but at the same time he was perfectly willing to withdraw it for the present, to allow time for consideration.

Bill withdrawn.