HL Deb 26 March 1839 vol 46 c1218

Petitions presented. By the Duke of BUCKINGHAM, from Anglesey, and Sligo, for recalling Lord Forteseue from Ireland; from two places, against any Alteration in the Corn-laws.—By the Earl of BANDON, from Bampton, and Lord REDESDALE, from Herefordshire, to the same effect.—By the Duke of BUCKINGHAM, from two places, against parts of the Beer-laws; from Herefordshire, against the proposed system of National Education; from Great Yarmouth, for Inquiry into Maynooth College.—By the Archbishop of YORK, from some place, against any further Grant to Maynooth College; from the Temperance Society of York, against selling Beer or Spirits on the Lord's Day.—By the Earl of MANSFIELD, from Dumfries, and other places, for Church Extension in Ireland.—By Lord WHARNCLIFFE, from Luton, and another place, for Amending the Poor-law Act; from York, for Inquiry into the State of the Church in Canada; from several places for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By Lord BROUGHAM, from Glasgow, in favour of Mr. Rowland Hill's plan of a Penny Postage.