§ Bill. Read a third time:—Transfer of Aids. Petitions presented. By Earls Stanhope, Hardwicke, Stradbroke, Abingdon, Tankerville, Ripon, Clare, Bradford, Yarborough, Aberdeen, and Warwick, Marquesses of Salisbury, Thomond, and Westmeath, Dukes of Buckingham, Richmond, and Rutland, Lords Kenyon, Foley, Willoughby d'Eresby, Rayleigh, Wharncliffe, Redesdale, and Sondes, from an immense number of places, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By the Earl of Durham, Earl Fitzwilliam, and the Earl of Rosebery, from a number of places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.