§ Petitions Presented:—By Earls CAWDOR, STANHOPE, STRADBROKE, and RADNOR, Lords COLVILLE, BARHAM, and a number of other noble LORDS, from many places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By the Earl of CAWDOR, from a place in Sutherland, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By the Marquess of Downshire from places in Ireland, for redressing the Religious Grievances of Presbyterian Soldiers.—By the Bishop of CHESTER, LONDON, and BANGOR, from Liverpool, and other places, against running the Mails on Sundays.—By the Bishop of LONDON, from Belfast, against Idolatrous Worship in India.—By the Earl of STANHOPE, from Ilverton (Somersetshire) against the New Poor-Law Act.—By Lord BROUGHAM, from St. Mary's Newington, in favour of the Government Scheme of National Education.—By the Earl of ABERDEEN, from one place, for the Abolition of the Colonial Legislature in Newfoundland.—By Viscount LORTON, from Sligo, for inquiry into the appointment of Sheriffs.