HL Deb 26 August 1839 vol 50 c588

Bills. Received the Royal Assent:—Administration of Justice (Parts of Counties); Poor-law Commission Continuance; Poor-rates Collection; Bastardy; Bankrupts (Ireland); Manchester Police; Birmingham Police; London Bridge Approaches.—Read a second time:—Bank of Ireland Act Continuance; Fisheries (England and France) s Exchequer Bills Funding.—Read a third time:—Duke of Marlborough's Pension; Fines and Penalties (Ireland); Exchequer Bills; Consolidated Fund.

Petitions presented. By Lord Redesdale, from the General Assembly of Scotland, against the Ministerial plan for National Education.—By Lord Brougham, from Cork, against the Operation of the Grand Jury Cess s from the Rational Religionists of Bradford, against the Imprisonment of a Debtor, on account of his religious opinions; from the Guardians of the Kennington Union, against certain Charges brought against them.