HL Deb 16 August 1839 vol 50 c364

Viscount Duncannon moved the third reading of the Metropolitan Police Courts Bill.

Lord Lyndhurst moved, that the 9th Clause, providing a salary of l,200l. a-year for each of the magistrates under the bill be expunged. The reason assigned for granting this increase of salary was, that the magistrates would have additional duties to perform. But, as they had already omitted the clause by which the additional duties would be imposed, he thought that the salaries ought to remain as they were. It would be time enough to grant an addition of salary next Session when the additional duties should be imposed.

Viscount Duncannon

opposed the amendment, which, if it were agreed to, would hazard the loss of the whole measure, as this was a money clause.

Their Lordships divided on the question, that the clause stand:—Contents 30; Not-Contents 18: Majority 12.

List of the CONTENTS.
DUKE. Duncannon
Richmond. Falkland
Lansdowne LORDS.
Normanby Wharncliffe
Westminster. Stanley
EARLS. De Freyne
Gosford Holland
Bathurst Foley
Uxbridge Sudeley
Ilchester Dinorben
Albermarle Montford
Devon Stafford
Stanhope Lilford
Leitrim Cottenham
Minto. Denman.
Melbourne Peterborough.
Paired off.
Headfort Winchester
Methuen Thomond
Carlisle. Hertford.

Several clauses of the Bill agreed to.