§ Bills. Read a second time;—Designs Copyright; Designs Copyright Extension; Bishops' Residences; Church Disciplins.
§ Petitions presented. By the Duke of RICHMOND, the Earl of BANDON, and Lords BROUGHAM, GLENELG, and PORTMAN, from a great number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By the Marquess of BREADALBANE, from several places, against any further Grant to the Scotch Church.—By the Earl of HARRINGTON, and the Bishop of LLANDAFF, from two places, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By the Earl of RIPON, from one place, for Church Extension in Canada; and from Leeds, against forwarding Letters through the Post on the Sabbath.—By the Earl of HARDWICIKE, from Wisbeaeh, against Beer Shops.—By the Earl of BANDON, from the County of Cork, against the Establishment of any College likely to follow a plan of Instruction not founded on Religious Truth.