HL Deb 23 April 1839 vol 47 c462

Petitions presented. By the Earls of VERU- *Mr. Burge's speech was published in a pamphlet, which we mention for the inform- LAM, GREY, CAMPERDOWN, RADNOR, and MINTO, and Lords BROUGHAM and LYNDHURST, from a number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By Earl STANHOPE, from a place in Somersetshire, against the Poor law Amendment Act.—By the Marquess of BUTE, from the Synods of Glasgow and Ayr, for the Repeal of the Catholic Emancipation Act; from two places, for Church Extension in Scotland; and from another place, for Church Extension in Canada.—By the Marquess of DOWNSHIRE, from Newbury, against any further Grant to Maynooth College; and against the injurious influence of the Catholic Members upon the Established Church.

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