§ MINUTES.] Petitions presented. By Lord KENYON, from Merioneth, against the Appointment of Lord Fortescue o the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland.—By Lord KINNOUL, from Perth, for Completing the Caledonian Canal.—By Lord SEGRAVE, from Gloucester, the Earl of HADDINGTON, from one place, and the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from a place in Wiltshire, against the Beer Art.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from a place in Gloucestershire, Lord ROSSLYN, from Lanark, the Earl of HADDINGTON, from. Coldstream, Lord ZETLAND, from ten places, Lord DUNGANNON, from a number of places, the Earl of ALBEMARLE, from Norwich, and the Earl of CAMPERDOWN, from one place, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By Lord KENYON, from one place, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By the Earl of CAAIPERDOWN, from Arbroath, against any further Grant to the Church of Scotland.—By Lord ZETLAND, from several places, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By the Earl of HADDINGTON, from Dunbar, for a system of Educating the Negroes.