§ Bill. Read a first time:—Church Discipline. Petitions presented. By the Marquess of SALISBURY, Lord ROLLE, the Earl of RADNOR, and the Duke of NORFOLK, from a number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By the Earl of KINNOUL, the Marquess of BUTE, the Earl of ROSSLYN, and the Marquess of DOWNSHIRE, from many places, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By the Earl of CAWDOR, and the Marquess of BUTE, from several places, for Church Extension in Wales.—By the Bishop of ST. ASAPH'S, from Flint, and Denbigh, against the alienation of Church Property in Wales; also against the Union of the Sees of Bangor and St. Asaph's.