§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of WICKLOW, from Clonard and a place in Donegal, against the Poor-law Bill for Ireland.—By the Marquess of CLANRICARDE, several petitions, by Lord DENMAN, from Woking, by the Earl of CAMPERDOWN, from Southampton and Wolverhampton, by Lord DUNDAS, from a parish in Yorkshire, by the Earl of YARBOROUGH, from Newport and Barton, and by the Marquess of SLIGO, from Clapham, Godalming, Dungannon, Dromore, and Malling, for the Abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.—By Earl STANHOPE, from Appleby, St. Paul (Deptford), and from Sheriff-hill, for the repeal of the New Poor-law Act.—By Lord REDESDALE, from the guardians of the Witney Union, that no alteration might take place hi the Act.—By the Marquess of LONDONDERRY, from Londonderry, against the present system of National Education in Ireland.—By Viscount MELBOURNE, from Perth, Elgin, Dundee, and Dumfries, against any further grant of public money to the Church of Scotland; also from Ballymoney, and various other places in the county of Cork, praying for the settlement of the Tithe question.