HL Deb 28 March 1838 vol 41 c1383

MINUTES. Petitions presented. By Lord BROUGHAM, from Paisley, Errol, Kilmarnock, and a parish in Ayrshire against additional Endowments to the Scotch Church; from the Female inhabitants of Ipswich, from Bourne(Lincolnshire), from Tunbridge Wells Kent), from Nottingham, and a great number of other places, amounting in all, the noble Lord said, to 100 petitions, by the Duke of RICHMOND, from a Dissenting Congregation in Chichester, from Cranbrook, and other places in Kent, by the Bishop of HEREFORD, from a parish in his Diocese, and by the Earl of RADNOR, from Malmesbury, Aylesbury, and five other places, all for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.