HL Deb 26 July 1838 vol 44 c603

Bills. Read a second time:—Affirmations—Read a third time:—Revenue Departments; Securities; Turpentine Penalties.

Petitions presented. By the Duke of HAMILTON, from Limerick, in favour of the principle, but objecting to some of the Clauses of the Prisons (Scotland) Bill.—By Lord HATHERTON, from Staffordshire, and by Lord BARHAM, from Rutlandshire, against Idolatry in India.—By the Earl of KINNOUL, from Perth, against certain parts of the Prisons (Scotland) Bill.—By Lord WHARNCLIFFE, from a place in Yorkshire, for the Amendment of the New Poor-law.—By the Earl of HADDINGTON, from Leith, against the Parliamentary Burghs (Scotland) Bill.