§ Bills. Read a first time:—Loan Societies (Ireland); Public Records; Land Tax Redemption; Fines and Recognizances (Ireland); Court of Chancery (Ireland); and Fisheries (Ireland).—Read a third time:—County Treasurers (Ireland); and South Australian Act Amendment.
§ Petitions presented. By the Marquess of WESTMINSTER, from Beer Sellers of the Metropolis, against the Sale of Beer Act Amendment Bill.—By the Duke of NEWCASTLE, from a place in Hertfordshire, against a Grant to Maynooth.—By the Bishop of HEREFORD, from Clergy of Hereford, against Hindoo Idolatry; and from Thomas Dacre, Clerk, against parts of the Tithe Commutation Act.—By the Earl of RIPON, from a parish in the county of Northumberland, from the Wesleyan Methodists of King's Mead, Bristol, of Old Market-street, Bristol, of Hotwells-road, Bristol, of Portland-place, Bristol, of Bedminster, and of various other places, against the encouragement of Idolatry in India; and from a parish in Surrey, in support of the Established Church in Canada.—By Viscount MELBOURNE, several, for the extinction of Negro Slavery; and two against any further Grant for Church Endowments in Scotland.