§ Bills. Read a first time:—Loan Societies (Ireland); Port of London; Coal Trade; County Treasurers (Ireland); Revenue Departments Securities; Apostate Friends Affirmation; and Insane Persons (England).—Read a second time:—Captured Slave Vessels; Vagrant Act Amendment; Administration of Justice in New South Wales.—Read a third time:—Qualification of Electors; Judges' Jurisdiction Extension.
§ Petitions presented. By the Bishop of HEREFORD, from a place in his Diocese, by the Bishop of SALISBURY, from Westbury (Wilts), and by the Bishop of GLOCESTER, from Merchants, Bankers, and other Inhabitants of Bristol, from Norwich, from the Wesleyan Methodists of Maiden-hall, in Suffolk, from St. John, Hampstead, from Birkenhead and its neighbourhood, and from the Wesleyan Methodists of Salisbury, against Hindoo Idolatry.—By the same right rev. Prelate, against a continued support to the Romish College of Maynooth; from the Village of Peckham and its vicinity, from the Inhabitants of Derby, from Saffron Walden, in the county of Essex, and from the Protestant Association of London, against a Grant to Maynooth.—By Earl CAWDOR, from the Commissioners of Supply of Nairn, and by the Earl of HADDINGTON, from the Commissioners of Supply of Elgin, against parts of the Prisons (Scotland) Bill, and from the Commissioners of Supply of Dumbarton, to the same effect.—By the Duke of RICHMOND, from Ossal (Sussex), and by the Duke of SUTHERLAND, from the county of Sutherland, for reduction of Postage.