§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, from a body of Clergy, by the Earl of BRECKNOCK, from the Chancellor and Masters of the University of Cambridge, by the Bishop of LONDON, from bodies of Clergy in his Diocese, by the Duke of WELLINGTON, from the University of Oxford, and by the Earl of Ripon, from the Isle of Man, against the annexation of the Bishopric of Sodor and Man to that of Carlisle.—By Lord ASHBURTON, two in favour of a reduction of the Rates of Postage.—By Lord DENMAN, from Nottingham, by Lord BROUGHAM, from the city of Bath, Biddeford, Crediton, Wilts, Haverfordwest, Bradford, South Petherton, Dungannon, Wycombrake, Peddington, and several other places, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship; from Tiverton, for an extension of the Suffrage; from St. Mark's, Dublin, five petitions for the abolition of Tithes, Municipal Reform, extension of the Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, and an Equitable Assessment for the support of the Irish Poor; from Paisley, for the repeal of the Corn-laws; and from Cupar, against any further advance of Public Money for Church Endowments in Scotland.