§ Bills. Read a first time—Parliamentary Electors; Thames Watermen; Transfer of Aid; Exchequer Bills.—Read a second time:—Custody of Insane Persons.—Read a third time:—Co-partnership.
§ Petitions presented. By the Bishop of ELY, from the Clergy of his diocese, in favour of the Sodor and Man Bishopric Bill.—By the Duke of CLEVELAND, from Gateshead, for the extension of Municipal Suffrage; and for a National system of Education.—By Lord REDESDALE, from the Clergy and Inhabitants of Evesham, and from the Clergy of Oxford, in favour of the Sodor and Man Bishopric Bill.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from Dissenters of Devizes, from Inhabitants of the county of Wilts, from Dissenters of Frame, and from four other places, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.—By Lord ABINGER, from a Banking Association, against some clauses in the Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By Lord BROUGHAM, from Barnsley, Wakefield, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Middleborough-on Tees, Derby, Bridlington and its neighbourhood, Welchpool, Charlton (Devon), Llanelly, Cumnock (Ayrshire), Launceston, Morpeth, New-court Chapel (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Blackeaton (Devon), Wirksworth, Aberdeen, South Shields, from the Society of Friends, from Wycombe, Abergelly, Dept-ford, and a great many other places, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship; from Members of the Society of Friends at Bristol, and from Uttoxeter, for the abolition of Church-rates; and from Montrose, in favour of the Ballot—By the Earl of ABERDEEN, from Edinburgh, for extending Religious Instruction to Scotland.