§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of ROSEBERRY, from Queensferry, Glasgow, and another place in Scotland, against any grant of money for Church Accommodation.—By Lord DACRE, from Royston, for a reduction of the rate of Postage; and from a place in Leicestershire, for the total extinction of Negro Slavery.—By the Earl of HAREWOOD, from places in Yorkshire, for an alteration in the Factories' Art.—By Lord PORTMAN, from Swansea, Chard, and several other places, by the Marquess of Sligo, from Howick, Chapplebar, Ochterader, and other places, for the immediate abolition of Negro Slavery; and from a parish in the county of Meath, for an alteration of the Irish Grand Jury Law.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from the publishers and booksellers of the metropolis, for the protection of copyright against foreign piracy.—By Earl BROWNLOW, from the Guardians of the Grantham Union, in favour of the New Poor-law Bill.—By the Bishop of LONDON, from clergymen of his diocese, against the employment of Christians at the religious ceremonies of Hindoos and Mahometans in India; and from the clergy of the diocese of Clogher, against the Irish system of National Education.