§ Bills. Read a third time:—Public Works (Ireland). Read a second time:—Monies in Exchequer; Limitation of Actions.—Read a first time:—Medical Charities.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord BROUGHAM, from various places, for, and by the Bishop of Hereford, from a parish in Herefordshire, against the abolition of Church-rates.—By the Earl of CHICHESTER, from places in Suffolk, in favour of a Sabbath Day Bill.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from Greenwich, in favour of the Irish Municipal Bill; from the same place and from Swansea for the abolition of Church-rates.—By the Duke of WELLINGTON, from South Would, in Sussex, and from parishes in Cumberland and Suffolk, against the abolition of Church-rates.—By Lord DACRE, from rate-payers in the counties of Hertford and Cambridge, praying that 6l. tenements might be made liable to assessment.—By Lord BEAUCHAMP, from parishes in Worcestershire, against the abolition of Church-rates.