HL Deb 03 March 1837 vol 36 c1206

Bills. Read a third time:—Charity Commissioners.—Read a second time:—Lease Making (Scotland).—Read a first time:—Scotch and Irish Vagrants.

Petitions presented. By Lords KENYON, REDESDALE, WHARNCLIFFE, the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, the Bishops of LONDON, BATH, and WELLS, and the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, from Leeds, Norwich, Tewkesbury, and various other places, against the Abolition of Church Rates. By Lords HATHERTON, HOLLAND, DENMAN, the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, and the Duke of SUTHERLAND, from Malmsbury, Northampton, Kidderminster, and various other places, for the Abolition of Church Rates.—By the Bishop of EXETER, from Hertford and Ware, that some mode may be adopted of furnishing religious instruction to the Inmates of Workhouses.—By Lord WHARNCLIFFE, from Bradford (Yorkshire), for the Alteration of the Factories' Regulation Act.