HL Deb 11 July 1837 vol 38 c1859
The Marquess of Lansdowne

said, it was his duty to acquaint their Lordships that he, with other noble Lords, to whom their Lordships had confided the honour, had this morning waited upon her Majesty the Queen Dowager with the expression of their Lordships condolence, and he would now state the terms in which her Majesty had been graciously pleased to receive and acknowledge their Lordships' message:— 'My Lords,—I thank you most sincerely for your message of condolence, and for the deep sympathy you have expressed in the afflicting loss which I have sustained. It will be my anxious study to continue to merit the respect and affection of the British nation, and I thank you for this touching mark of your kindness for the widow of your late excellent Sovereign. The noble Marquess then moved, that the gracious answer of the Queen Dowager be inserted in the minutes.


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