HL Deb 06 July 1837 vol 38 c1808
The Earl of Shaftesbury

laid on the table of the House the Resolutions adopted by a Committee appointed to consider the mode of conducting the business of their Lordships' House in proceedings having reference to private Bills.

Lord Brougham

observed, he had already stated his views upon this subject to the House, when he said, that it appeared to him, that the most effectual remedy for the evils complained of would be to transfer elsewhere the powers exercised by Committees of that House in reference to private Bills; on that, however, he must observe, that it could not be expected that their Lordships would part with that power till they had tried every other possible mode of dealing with the question. The next best remedy would be to adopt the plan of joint-Committees of the two Houses, but, whatever might be the final arrangement of proceedings concerning local and private rights of so much importance, the House most probably would, and he should say ought to, do all in its power, by reforming its own orders, to remove all just cause of complaint without having recourse to an Act of Parliament. He concurred in the Resolutions, so far as they went, and hoped that they would lead to great and important changes.

Resolutions agreed to.