§ MINUTES.] Bills. Read a third time:—Post Office Contracts.—Read a first time:—Outlawry.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, the Marquess of SALISBURY, and the Bishop of DURHAM, from Dorchester and other places, against the Abolition of Church Rates.—By the Earls of SEFTON and BURLINGTON, the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, Lords POLTIMORE and BROUGHAM, from Middlesex, Birmingham, and other places, for the Abolition of Church. Rates.—By the Marquess of SALISBURY, from Saint Mary, Aldermanbury, for Exemption from the Poor Law Amendment Act.—By the Earl of BANDON, from the Medical Profession, Donegal, for the Repeal of the Grand Jury Act (Ireland) Bill.