§ MINUTES.] Petitions presented. By the Duke of NORFOLK, the Earl of BURLINGTON, and the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from the Dissenters of Coventry, Matlock, Bath, and other places for the Abolition of Church Rates.— By Lord WYNFORD, from Ipswich and Godmanchester, for Alteration or Repeal of Poor Law Act.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWNE, from the Guardians of Milton and Romney Marsh Unions, for the New System of Poor Laws.—By the Earl of BURLINGTON, from the Baptist Congregation, Brook-street, Derby, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By the Earl of WINCHILSEA, from Milton and other places, for the Preservation of the Rights and Privileges of the House of Peers.